Medical Device Litigation
Each year, there are many people who receive a medical device that is designed to help them improve the way they live after undergoing an injury or even when age causes problems with the way the body is able to function. Medical devices may be such things as heart valves, defibrillators, hip implants, and pacemakers. These devices are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and should have been fully tested before receiving approval and being put on the list of available devices for the public.
At Pulaski Kherkher, PLLC we understand that there are some devices that include defects or even side effects that are very severe which can cause injuries, even after they have been approved by the FDA. When a medical device is defective, the consequences may even be life threatening. Often, patients whose medical devices are defective or dangerous may need to have invasive surgery to repair or replace the defective device.
There are two points that are usually discussed in relation to defective medical devices, and they are whether the device was used correctly and whether the product had something wrong with it. This alludes to the possible misuse of the medical device by medical personnel. Because of the complexity of these issues, it is very important to discuss your claim with an attorney who is experienced in medical device litigation. Expert witnesses will often be required to determine whether the medical device is truly related to the injury in question.
If you feel that you or a family member or other loved one has received an injury or has even died because of a defective medical device, the experienced medical device litigation lawyers at Pulaski Kherkher, PLLC are here to help you. Contact us for a free initial consultation so that we can determine the extent of your injuries and help you decide whether you have a viable case. Don’t suffer any longer because of a medical device that is not working properly.
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