Hair Straightener Lawsuit

If you’ve been using hair straightening products and have been diagnosed with uterine cancer, you may be entitled to compensation. Numerous lawsuits have been filed against various manufacturers of hair straightening products, such as L’Oreal USA, claiming they cause cancer and other medical issues. If you’ve used these products, you may also be eligible to file a claim.

The Risk of Cancer Linked to Hair Straightener

These lawsuits claim that the companies that make hair straightening products failed to include a label of warning for the increased risk of cancer. A study was published in 2022 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that linked frequent use of hair straighteners with uterine cancer.

In this study, women who used straightening products, which include hair relaxers, were at twice the risk of developing uterine cancer as women who didn’t use the products. Many of these women, who were African American, began using the products at a young age, as early as nine years old or younger. The study didn’t see an increased risk due to race in general, but it did show an increased risk for women who used the products on a regular basis.

Of the women who never used hair straighteners, 1.64 percent would develop uterine cancer by the time they were 70 years old. That percentage goes up to 4.05 percent for those who use hair straighteners frequently. The National Institutes of Health defined frequently as more than four times in a year. The study never identified a specific chemical that caused the increased risk of cancer, but it said more research is needed.

The study had over 33,000 participants who were between 35 and 74 years of age. An initial case was filed against five beauty companies from a woman who had developed uterine cancer and had to have a hysterectomy. She was 28 at the time. The chemicals have also been linked to uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous growths that may be found in or on the uterus. They can grow large enough to prevent pregnancy, cause preterm delivery, and other medical issues. These fibroids may be painful and cause heavy and prolonged periods.

Hair straightening products contain chemicals, like formaldehyde, phthalates, and other chemicals that disrupt the way hormones behave in the body. Imbalances between estrogen and progesterone have been recognized as a risk factor for uterine cancer. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences warn against exposure to even small amounts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which are found in many hair straightening products.

Who is Eligible?

Women who have been diagnosed with uterine, endometrial, or ovarian cancer may be eligible for this lawsuit if they have used a chemical hair relaxer on a frequent basis. Lawsuits are being filed now for damages that relate to these medical conditions. You must have used the straightener for over two years and been diagnosed with one of these cancers before the age of 60.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can contact us here at Pulaski Kherkher and find out your next steps. We’ll discuss your situation with you and help you determine if you’re eligible to file a lawsuit. We can file on your behalf and maximize your compensation for current and future medical costs related to the illness, lost wages or income, and pain and suffering caused by the illness.

Let us help you get the compensation you deserve as you focus on recovery. We’re dedicated to fighting on your behalf and holding the responsible parties liable for their failure to warn women of the potential risk of cancer in using their products. Contact us today for a free consultation.